Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Greatest film sequences in movie history

Brandon, get used to this.... I beat you to the clips, so don't even try to copie me on your page....Here are a couple of the best movie clips of all time. It's Fat Bastard at his best in Goldmember. Absolutely beautiful. If I ever get to be his size, I'm gonna be exactly like him. The second clip is of Ron Burgundy. Again, one of the best movie clips of all time. I'll admit they are a bit crude, but you're crazy if they don't at least get a smile on your face.....But if you don't think these are the best movie clips of all time, I will fight you....


Brando Commando said...

"copie"? Is that a French word?

Brando Commando said...

Those are hilarious clips...just wait, I'll somehow top them!

Utahman said...

No, it's Latin. The French are a-holes....